Kinga Myler – Szmytka
Editor-in-Chief of the magazine BLIŻEJ PMU AND ESTHETIC MEDICINE. Linergist with 8 years of experience.
Certified permanent makeup trainer.
Co-owner of Tiffany Studio in Toruń and Tiffany Studio in Świecie.
Certified trainer with a substantial number of students.

Kinga has many titles to her name, such as:
- 4th place at the WORLD PMU INDUSTRY 2022 International Championships in the category: eyeliner
- 3rd place at the Gold PMU 2022 International Championships in the category: eyeliner
- 3rd place at the AMBER EYES 2021 International Championships in the category: eyebrows
- 2nd place at the PMU FESTIVAL 2021 International Championships in the category: eyeliner
- 3rd place at the KOPALNIA DIAMENTÓW 2019 Polish Championships in the category: eyebrows and eyeliner
- 3rd place at the TOP PMU 2019 Polish Championships in the category: lips, eyebrows, and eyeliner
Permanent makeup is her passion.
As one of the few and the first in Poland, she conducts training for PREPARATION FOR PMU CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Diligence and patience are her middle names. She emphasizes development and is a participant in many important industry conferences.
She also serves as a jury member at International PMU Championships.
Sponsor at the International Championships.
SPEAKER and presenter at events and conferences.
CO-ORGANIZER of the I LOVE YOU PMU 2023 Championships.
She continually improves her craft and persistently strives for perfection.
Tiffany Studio Toruń
ul. Bartkiewiczówny 94 E lok 4 . 87-100 Toruń